Heat Transfer Research, Education and Practice in the UK
UKNHTC Workshops
The website of the UK National Heat Transfer Committee
Summary of the Latest Workshop

The UK National Heat Transfer Committee hosted a one-day workshop on: “Heat Transfer Research, Education and Practice in the UK” on 25th April 2019 at the Roundhouse in Derby, UK.
The Workshop was chaired by Dr. Francesco Coletti and co-chaired by Dr. Richard Law. It featured an initial presentation on "Heat Transfer in the UK - Where are we?" by Dr. Coletti, secretary of the UKNHTC, reporting the findings of a UKNHTC sponsored study on the current status of the Heat Transfer field in the UK. The presentation was followed by lively panel
discussions with invited expert speakers from both Academia and Industry on a number of exciting topics. The full programme of the day is available here.
The workshop, first of its kind organised by the UKNHTC, was attended by over 100 participants from both Industry and Academia and provided a unique opportunity for the UK Heat Transfer Community to discuss the present and the future of research, industry and education.
The day offered also the opportunity for Prof. Karayiannis, Chair of the UKNHTC, to announce the UKNHTC Geoff Hewitt Prize, to be awarded bi-annually at the UK Heat Transfer Conference to the best PhD thesis submitted to UK institutions.
The presentations for the day are available here. A report summarising the current status of the industry, the key outcomes of the panel discussions and a future outlook will be available shortly.
The workshop was supported by the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, the Institution of Chemical Engineers, the Heat Transfer Society and was co-located with the Thermal Engineering Show.