The 17th UK Heat Transfer Conference
4-6 April 2022, University of Manchester/Online
Conference Report​
The 17th UK Heat Transfer Conference was hosted by the University of Manchester (virtually via the GatherTown app) on 4th-6th April 2022 following several delays due to the Covd-19 pandemic. This followed the 2019 edition at Nottingham University, the 2017 edition held at Brunel University London and the 2015 edition at the University of Edinburgh. This edition was Chaired by Professor Brian Launder.
The Conference Chair Professor Brian Launder opened the conference and introduced key features of the conference including numbers of submissions, accepted extended abstracts, springer conference proceedings, etc.
There were six plenary lectures:
Professor Khellil Sefiane, Edinburgh University: "Recent advances on drops evaporation on structured substrates, crystallization and induced motion
Mr Sean A Hennigan, Ineos: "Bridging the reliability gap from heat exchanger design to operation"
Professor Volker Pickert, Newcastle University: "Liquid metal: More than cooling?"
Professor Shuisheng He, Sheffield University: "Heat transfer issues in current and next generation nuclear reactors"
Professor Kemal Hanjalic, Delft University of Technology: "Buoyancy-driven micoclimate phenomena: RANS, LES and hybrid modelling"
Professor Victoria Timchenko, University of New South Wales: "Irradiated gold nanoparticles for localised hyperthermia applications".
The scientific programme consisted of more than 80 oral presentations and 30 posters dealing with various aspects of heat transfer, from fundamentals to applications.
Selected papers from the conference will be published in special issues of Thermal Science and Engineering Progress and Chemical Engineering Research and Design.