The 15th UK Heat Transfer Conference
Brunel University London - 4th to 5th September 2017
Conference Report​
The latest edition (15th) of the conference was held at Brunel University London on 4th-5th September 2017 and followed the 2013 edition held at Imperial College London and the 2015 edition at the University of Edinburgh. This edition was Chaired by Professor Tassos Karayiannis and co-chaired by Dr. Carola König and Dr. Francesco Coletti.

Professor Geoff Rogers, Deputy Vice Chancellor (Research & Innovation), opened the conference providing an overview of current research developments in the UK against a changing environment (presentation slides). This was followed by a tribute to the memory of the late Professor D. B. Spalding (Imperial College London) by Professor Brian Launder (University of Manchester) and three invited keynote lectures:
Professor Peter Stephan (Technische Universität Darmstadt): Influence of wetting and dewetting phenomena on evaporative heat transfer
Professor Harvey Thompson (University of Leeds): Computational Approaches in Heat Transfer Optimisation
Mr. Martin Gough (Calgavin Ltd.): Improving the Operational Performance of Existing Heat Exchangers used in the Hydrocarbon Processing Industries
The scientific programme consisted of 100 oral presentations and 20 posters dealing with various aspects of heat transfer, from fundamentals to applications.The conference was particularly well attended from both academia and industry, with the participation of over 140 scientific delegates from 28 different countries.
The industrial contribution (including papers authored by Rolls Royce, EDF, BP, Repsol, Hexxcell, Calgavin amongst others) was particularly well received, with a number of exhibitors showcasing their technologies. The conference proved to be a lively environment for the Heat Transfer Community to meet, present the latest advances and exchange ideas.
Selected papers from the conference will be published on special issues of Heat Transfer Engineering, edited by Dr. Francesco Coletti and Thermal Science and Engineering Progress, edited by Dr. Christos Markides and Dr. David Hann.
The next edition will be held at Nottingham University in 2019.