The International Micro and Nano Flows Conference series originated at Strathclyde University in 2006 and was followed by meetings at Brunel University London in 2009, the Aristotle University Thessaloniki in 2011, University College London in 2014, the Politechnico Di Milano in 2016 and the Georgia Institute of Technology in 2018. Since its inaugural run the conference is now well established internationally with its unique range of topics in thermofluids engineering and biomedical and bioprocess engineering in the field of small scale flows.
The Conference Committee has identified that the challenges faced by engineers and designers of devices at the micro to nano scale are to a large extent similar, whether these relate to heat transfer and thermal management of systems or biomedical applications.
The conference is organised over three days starting with a plenary lecture covering the latest developments in micro-nano scale flows that relate and link applications in thermofluids and biomedical engineering. Keynote lectures then cover the Conference Series Key Themes of adiabatic flows and single phase heat transfer, two phase flow and heat transfer and flows that relate to biomedical engineering. Sessions that cover all the above plus the particular challenges and latest developments in the design of micro-scale devices complete the conference.
The 8th International Conference on Micro and Nano Flows is hosted by Padova University, Italy and Chaired by Professor Simone Mancin.
The new abstract submission deadline is February 28th 2023. Visit the conference website for more information here.