A new book on Convective Heat Transfer in Porous Media (CHiPM) has been released by CRC Press/Taylor&Francis.
Focusing on transport in porous media, this book provides a wide range of readers from undergraduate students to professionals with the recent advances in nano and macro scales of Heat convection in Porous Media. Apart from introducing heat flux bifurcation and splitting within porous media, it highlights two-phase flow, nanofluids, wicking, and convection in bi-disperse porous media. New methods in modeling heat and transport in porous media, such as pore-scale analysis and Lattice–Boltzmann methods, are introduced.
The book covers related engineering applications, such as enhanced geothermal systems, porous burners, solar systems, transpiration cooling in aerospace, heat transfer enhancement and electronic cooling, drying and soil evaporation, foam heat exchangers, and polymer-electrolyte fuel cells.
More information can be found here: https://www.crcpress.com/Convective-Heat-Transfer-in-Porous-Media/Mahmoudi-Hooman-Vafai/p/book/9780367030803