The Heat Transfer Society President’s Night, will be held on Thursday 17th October 2019.
Martin Gough, the Society President, will address the Society on "One man’s contribution to the field of enhanced heat transfer".
Martin is Founder and Managing Director of CALGAVIN Limited, formed in 1980 to research and develop thermal solutions to improve the performance of tubular heat exchangers and reactors. He developed the now widely used hiTRAN tube-side enhancement systems.On what will surely be an entertaining and colourful stroll through a rich and deep history of the heat transfer industry, and in his own indefatigable manner, Martin will talk about aspects of technology development and application engineering.
The venue is The Barley Mow, 104 Horseferry Road, Westminster, London, SW1P 2EE. Nearest stations are St James’s Park and Victoria. The presentation will start at 7:00 pm, with a buffet available from 6:00 pm.
More details can be found at: www.hts.org.uk/events.htm