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16th UK Heat Transfer Conference

The 16th UK Heat Transfer Conference, organized under the auspices of the UK National Heat Transfer Committee and chaired by Professor Yuying Yan, will be held at the University of Nottingham on 8th-10th September 2019.

Eminent figures from academia and industry will discuss the latest advances in the Heat Transfer field:

  • Prof. Omar Matar, Imperial College London: Multiscale modelling of boiling flows

  • Dr Cedric Rouaud, Ricardo Plc:xEV thermal management – heat transfer improvement requirements

  • Prof. Peixue Jiang, Tsinghua University: Phenomenon and mechanism of spray cooling and supercritical-pressure fluid Impingement cooling on micro/nano hybrid structures

  • Prof. Josua Meyer, University of Pretoria: A new perspective on internal forced and mixed convection heat transfer

  • Dr Jonathan McDonough, Newcastle University: A perspective on the current and future roles of additive manufacturing in process engineering with an emphasis on heat transfer

  • Prof. T.S. Zhao, Hong Kong University of Science & Technology, Tackling energy storage challenges using thermo-fluid sciences

More information is available on the conference website. We are looking forward to seeing you in Nottingham!

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