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PhD Scholarship - Design of Enhanced Heat Transfer Surfaces through Novel Methods of Design and Manu


Applications are invited for ONE full time PhD studentship funded by Brunel University London. The studentship is for a period of 3 years (36 months) starting 1st May 2019 or at a mutually agreed time after that. The successful applicant will receive an annual stipend of £16,777 plus payment of their annual full time home/EU tuition fees. Applicants must be eligible for home or EU tuition fees.

The project is in an exciting field at the forefront of designing and engineering surfaces that can provide enhanced heat transfer rates during pool boiling as used in a variety of applications. The successful candidate will be based at Brunel University London, but will be part of a team working with academics and researchers at Imperial College and the University of Edinburgh and Industrial partners.

The research carried out by the successful applicant will have two aspects. (i) Use of electroforming and laser machining techniques to produce micro-structured surfaces on a copper substrate and (ii) Electrochemical techniques will be employed to fabricate layers of porous material again on a copper substrate. As well as surface preparation, surface analysis and characterisation will be an important part of the investigation for both parts (i) and (ii). Finally, both surfaces will be tested to provide evidence of heat transfer enhancement in pool boiling applications. Therefore the successful PhD candidate will work closely with the Post-Doctoral Research Fellow employed on the project for the heat transfer part of the research.

Please contact Professor Tassos Karayiannis at or +44(0)1895 267132 for an informal discussion about the project.

Eligibility Applicants will have or expect to receive a first degree at 2:1 or above in an Engineering or Physical Sciences related discipline. A masters degree is an advantage but not essential. Applicants with a Mechanical Engineering background having taken courses in manufacturing, materials and possibly thermo-fluids are strongly encouraged to apply.

How to apply Please email your application comprising all of the documents listed below by Noon on Friday 5th April 2019 to and :

  • Your up-to-date CV;

  • A one A4 page personal statement setting out why you are a suitable candidate (i.e.: your skills and experience);

  • Your degree transcripts and/or certificates;

  • Evidence of English language skills to IELTS 6.5 (or equivalent), if appropriate;

  • Name and contact details for two academic referees.

Interviews will take place in late April 2019.

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