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Professor Barry Azzopardi Passes Away

Professor Azzopardi passed away on Monday 22nd May 2017 after a long term illness.

He was born in Gibraltar and later moved to United Kingdom. He has obtained a BTech degree in chemical engineering from the University of Bradford in 1972. He completed a PhD in Chemical Engineering at the University of Exeter in 1977. His PhD was on “Interaction between a falling liquid film and a gas stream” under the supervision of Professor P.M.C Lacey. After the completion of the PhD he has worked at the University of Oxford and the AERE, Harwell. He became the Lady Trent Professor of Chemical Engineering at the University of Nottingham in 1990. He was the Head of the Department of Chemical Engineering between 1991 and 1999 and again between 2007 and 2010. He has developed and led the Multiphase Flow Research Group at the University.

He has attracted a continuous Research funding stream over the last 25 years from EPSRC, NERC and EU and Industry. At the time of his death he was leading the Nottingham part of the £5m EPSRC Programme Grant (MEMPHIS) jointly with Imperial, Birmingham and UCL. Professor Azzopardi has authored two text books and more than 300 peer reviewed papers on various aspects of multiphase flows. His work on T-junctions were widely known and cited. He was an editor of Chemical Engineering Research and Design: Part A, an Official Journal of the European Federation of Chemical Engineering. He has been an organiser and member of scientific committees of the Assembly of World Conferences on Experimental Heat Transfer, fluid mechanics and thermodynamics, as well as the 2007 International Conference on Multiphase Flow (ICMF).

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