The UK National Heat Transfer Committee supports the 16th International Heat Transfer Conference which will be held in Beijing,China, August 10-15, 2018.
The series of quadrennial International Heat Transfer Conferences (IHTCs) – dubbed the Heat Transfer Olympics – are organised under the auspices of The Assembly for International Heat Transfer Conferences (AIHTC)
The origin of the IHTCs is an International Discussion on Heat Transfer held in London (Chair, O.A. Saunders) and Atlantic City (Chair, A.P. Colburn) 1951; this was regarded as IHTC-1. Ten years later, a succeeding International Heat Transfer Conference was held in Boulder (1961) and in London (1962), which was regarded as IHTC-2. Ever since, IHTC has been the largest worldwide forum on heat transfer (HT) and thermal science and engineering (TSE), and devoted to meet the scientific and social challenges as the thermal energy usage, environmental sustainability, material processing, bio-science, etc.
The important dates:
Submission of abstract deadline September 15, 2017
Author notification of abstract acceptance October 15, 2017
Submission of full-length draft paper for review deadline: December 15, 2017
Online registration and hotel booking sites open: March 1, 2018
Paper review complete and acceptance notification: March 15, 2018
Submission of final paper deadline: May 31, 2018
Advanced registration due: June 30, 2018
Online registration due: July 25, 2018
More information can be found on the conference website