Geoffrey F. Hewitt Prize
Best PhD Thesis submitted to UK Universities

Professor Geoffrey F. Hewitt, FRS, FREng was a pioneer and recognised world leader in multi-phase flow and heat transfer with unparalleled achievements in these two fields. A summary of his achievements can be viewed here.
To honour Geoff's memory as a Founding Member of the UK National Heat Transfer Committee and its longest serving Chairman, the Committee is pleased to announce the “Geoffrey F. Hewitt Prize for best PhD thesis in Heat Transfer”.
A panel of UKNHTC Members, chaired by Dr. Francesco Coletti, and supported by Professor Joe Quarini, Professor Yuying Yan and Dr. Hezlin Ashraf, will review the submissions and decide the winner. If one of the nominees are in any way linked to a panel member, he or she will stand down from the Award Committee on that particular year.
The prize
The prize, awarded every two years at the UK Heat Transfer Conference Dinner, consists of £500, a plaque and free admission to the UK Heat Transfer Conference following the announcement of the award.
For the upcoming award, PhD theses submitted to UK Universities in the period between 1st January 2024 and 31st December 2025 where the main topic is Heat Transfer will be eligible for the Prize.
An electronic copy of the PhD thesis and a support letter from the Supervisor explaining the merits of the work need to be sent to with a copy to on or before 31st July 2026. Submissions received after this date will not be considered for the award that will be presented at the UK Heat Transfer Conference that will be held in Newcastle in September 2026.
Past Winners
2019 - Dr. Sahin Yigit, Newcastle University
2022 - Dr Daniel Fahy, University of Oxford
2024 - Dr Shuai Zhang, Nottingham University