Welcome to uknhtc.org
The website of the UK National Heat Transfer Committee
The 18th UK Heat Transfer Conference
9-11 September 2024
The University of Birmingham, UK
The 18th edition of the UK Heat Transfer Conference was hosted by the University of Birmingham in September 2024. The conference will be chaired by Dr Raya Al-Dadah (chair) and Dr Adriano Sciacovelli (co-chair)
The scientific programme consisted of more than 140 oral presentations dealing with various aspects of heat transfer, from fundamentals to applications. The conference was well attended by more than 170 candidates from national and international academic institutions and industries.
Geoffrey Hewitt Prize for Best PhD Thesis
21st January 2019

The UK National Committee for Heat Transfer recognizes excellence in Heat Transfer Research offering to students and researchers active in UK Universities in the field of heat transfer a series of prizes.
Read the announcement of the second ‘Geoffrey F. Hewitt Prize for best PhD thesis in Heat Transfer’, to be awarded at the UK National Heat Transfer Conference in September 2021
The 16th UK Heat Transfer Conference - Report
8-1 September 2019

The 16th UK Heat Transfer Conference was held at the University of Nottingham on 8th-10th September 2019, Chaired by Professor Yuying Yan.
The scientific programme consisted of more than 160 oral presentations and 30 posters dealing with various aspects of Heat Transfer, from fundamentals to applications.
Workshop - Heat Transfer in the UK
21st January 2019

The UK National Heat Transfer Committee has hosted a one-day workshop on: “Heat Transfer Research, Education and Practice in the UK” on 25th April 2019 at the Roundhouse in Derby.
The workshop was attended by over 100 participants from both Industry and Academia and provided a unique opportunity for the UK Heat Transfer Community to discuss the present and the future of research, industry and education.
John Rose awarded the Max Jakob Award by ASME
21st January 2019

Professor John Rose, a UKNHTC Member, has been selected to receive the 2018 Max Jakob Memorial Award, bestowed jointly by the American Society of Mechanical Engineers and the American Institute of Chemical Engineers in recognition eminent and distinguished service and contributions in the area of heat and mass transfer.